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A knocking at the Door

Am I A Supernatural Magnet?

I'm 17 years old now and I'm pretty much the only one in my family who believes in the supernatural. My parents and everyone else keeps telling me that it's just nonsense but I know that's not the truth. I have several experiences throughout my life and I thought I'd tell you about them.

I'm from Sweden and my dad grew up in a village up north. The summer house we have there is sort of on the country side and it was build somewhere between the 1920s and the 1930s. My grandparents raised my dad and his brothers there. My grandpa passed away before I was ever born so I don't remember him although I was very close to my grams, and apparently I was her favorite grandchild, probably because I'm the youngest cousin. She died in 1997 and I remember how upset I was about it but since I was young I got over it quite soon.

A couple of years later when I was around 10 or 11, during one easter holiday when my dad and I were having lunch, downstairs of the kitchen, something strange happened. I suddenly heard a person laughing and immediately looked at my dad since the two of us were the only ones in the house and asked "What's so funny?". My dad gave me a strange look and replied "I thought you were the one laughing." My dad's the type of person who always has a good joke in store but there was something about the look on his face that freaked me out, but we never heard the laugh again, although, when I think about it now afterwards, I think it was grams laughing at us.

The second experience in that house was one summer when I was around 13 or 14 years old. I was in the upstairs attic which was turned into a bedroom. I was sitting on the bed drawing. My dad and the others were outside working. I was lost in my thoughts, but snapped out of them when I heard our old coocoo clock making noises, and this is a clock that hasn't worked in decades. It went on for about a minute or two and then stopped. Feeling myself getting scared I ran outside as fast as I could.

Since then I've had a few other experiences every now and then such as the TV switching channels on its own. Rocking chairs rocking when empty and I've heard footsteps walking up and down and throughout the rooms when I've been alone. I know it either my grams or my grandpa and that makes me less scared, it's actually sort of comforting knowing that they're around, looking after us.

When I was 13 my dad and I moved to Africa, or more specifically Namibia, where we lived for two and half years because of his work. We lived in a large house, roughly around 300 meters square, if I'm not mistaken, and since I was home from school earlier than my dad was home from work, I was often alone between 3:30 and 5:00, since our maid left around 3:00. During one of these occasions, I was in the TV area zapping through the channels, and our dog Mickey was lying on the couch with me when he suddenly jumped off the couch and started barking aggressively at something in front of him, but there was nothing there. He then ran downstairs to the front door and started barking again, but then after a while, he walked back to me, but kept looking behind him as if something was there.

When I was 15 I moved back to Sweden, but I moved in with my eldest uncle and aunt in a town up north because my dad was still in Namibia, and I didn't want to live in Stockholm with my mom. The first couple of months I lived there went on as normal and I never heard or saw anything. But that was soon about to change. It started one night when my aunt and uncle were taking these french lessons and I was home alone for about two hours. I was in the living room on the phone with a friend when I heard footsteps walking upstairs, into the hallway, through the living room where I was sitting, in through the kitchen and then disappeared without a trace. Guess how high my pulse was running?

The other thing happened when my two friends (let's call them Sally and Hannah) were sleeping over. We were in the basement because the temperature there was a lot more comfortable than upstairs. Sally had fallen fast asleep, but Hannah and I were still talking. We had locked the door and all windows and made sure we were the only ones there, but apparently we had been wrong. Around 11 pm I heard someone running fast upstairs and next thing I knew the knives and forks in the kitchen drawers were scrambling loudly and both Hannah and I were scared out of our wits. During another time when Hannah was at my place we were sleeping upstairs in a room with the door closed, it must have been sometime early in the morning, around 4:00 or 5:00, and both of us heard a door loudly slamming shut, but just once.

Although all of these experience were frightening, there is one that tops them all. I've always had a slight fear of the dark and sleep with lights on. I sleep in a room upstairs and my aunt and uncle have their bedroom downstairs and they always sleep with the door closed. I remember it clearly because that night I had a bad stomach ache so I didn't sleep very well. I woke up around 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning and when I turned around, I saw a man by my bed. I was too shocked to be scared and thought I was dreaming but realized I was very much awake, and I remember the man asking me if I had a stomach ache. I replied that I did and he bent forward whispering something I couldn't hear and next thing I knew, he was gone. I've never seen him since then and I've never told my aunt and uncle about what I saw because they would say it was my imagination or I was dreaming, but I knew what I saw. I don't think he wanted to harm me, but I don't understand why my aunt and uncle haven't felt or sensed any of these haunting before. Am I supernatural magnet?

